Contemporary art historian
—independent writer

specialised in digital/
generative/AI art
{ NFT/crypto/web3 }

— an online cultural magazine dedicated to uncovering the most meaningful web3 art projects and their creators.

Personal statement

The power of art is irrefutable.

Artists are pioneers in our society and that is why their ideas and visions should be conveyed.
I transmit the inventive thoughts of artists and tell their stories, so they can keep focusing on creating.


In Foam Magazine #66: MISSING MIRROR, me and others look at the growing overlaps between art, technology and society, exploring how the recent advancements in AI impact our relationship with the image, ourselves and our perception of reality.

How do we form a truthful image of the world when credibility is questioned? And vice versa, how do we recognise ourselves in the images around us?⁠

I contributed with a portfolio text on Leda Sadotti’s project ‘Beautified-AI’


Laura Hospes (1994) views the skin as the outermost layer of mental health.

In her latest book, titled ‘ANTIDOTE’, she shows the viewer her exploration of the complex relationship she has with her body. Through photography, she dissects this relationship visually, capturing every detail mercilessly.

For her work, she molds and manipulates herself and her frame by - for example - assuming twisted poses, and applying materials like plaster, silicone, and paint to her body.

The almost obsessive way she documents her body is part of a healing process for her mental health (hence ‘Antidote’) and illustrates how this process has shaped her perception of her body.

I contributed to the book by writing about Laura's work and thought processes as a ghostwriter.

You can find some of the pages here


The Artists Who Rewired Web2

Prior to the emergence of Web3’s brave new art world, numerous artists were already confronting the Web2 paradigm of centralized control and its impact on society. These trailblazing creators often appropriated algorithms and artificial intelligence to rewire the systems that govern material reality in a data-driven world. In the process, they reimagined the role of the artist as a designer of progressive technology.

Written for Right Click Save

Columns featuring artists who work with technology, for Tableau Magazine (NL)

Noortje Stortelder:

Bas Uterwijk, ofwel Ganbrood:

Some other things

Kim Asendorf’s X0X
A Tribute Labs & XX DAO collaborative commission.

An Inside Look: ‘Harmonizing Tangible and NFT Art’
PROOF Signal

On ‘Plans for future forms’ by lilyillo
An art collection thread

Crypto Artists Invest in Themselves
The trend of crypto artists buying back their own NFTs

The Space of Critical Immersion
How Nxt Museum is replacing digital spectacle with something critical

YOU ARE HERE; an experimental multi-chain collection across 31 blockchains
A write-up on this collection by artist 0xfff, for IMG.ART

Tjo’s Diaries of Compulsive Obsessions on the ERC-7160 standard
For Transient Labs

About Cake Nygard

Nygard responds to daily life and the things he picks up on in his own unique way, resulting in
colorful, experimental, and conceptual creations.

a thread about joanna’s art